Promises and Pistols | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Lifestyle Photographer
On Sept 29th, my brother in law and his fiance got married and they chose me as their photographer. When they first asked, I said no. I didn't think I was ready for an event as big as a wedding, and looking back at the pictures I took on the day they asked, I was right. I still wouldn't agree to anyone else's wedding just yet, but they are family and they insisted, so of course I said I'd do it.
Just because I said I'd do it doesn't mean I was confident though. For the days leading up to the ceremony I was pretty stressed- probably more so than my own wedding! I spent way too much time worrying about what I was going to do and how I was going to do it, but when it came down to it, everything seemed to fall into place and I think I pulled it off.
The ceremony was small and beautiful. I helped the bride, Mallory get ready and took a few pictures and then rode in with her dad to the park where the ceremony took place. The boys set up the arch and decorated the dock with bows, and (thank god for my husband) did a wonderful job putting everything in the best possible location in terms of lighting. The ceremony was conducted by Robert, the groom's brother who is also my husband. A group of close family and friends gathered on the dock to watch Matt and Mallory looking so happy together (Look at Matt's face when first seeing his bride!)
After the ceremony we made our way around the park for portraits. We had a slight setback when Mallory (who is pregnant) got sick after I suggested Matt pick her up and spin her around (my bad), but it turned out all she needed was a cheeseburger. After that we were good to go. At this point the stress had melted away and we were all relaxed enough to just really have fun with the pictures. We even got some photos of Matt and Mallory with some kick-ass guns on the railroad tracks. We were told to leave halfway through, but it doesn't matter. I got the shot.
Afterwards we went to the reception at a friend's house for a delicious low-country boil followed by champagne and cake. I think the highlight of the whole thing was during the cake cutting when Mallory forgot to put the knife down before smearing cake in Matt's face, and accidentally stabbed him. What a great start to a marriage! This wedding was unique, quirky, and so much fun, just like the bride and groom.
It really meant a lot to me that Matt and Mallory trusted me to capture this life-changing event of theirs, even when I didn't fully trust myself to do so. It'll be so great to see this photos in big print on their walls and I hope that it will help them to savor this wonderful moment in their lives.
As for me, the experience has made me realize how much I would love to do weddings as a job in the future. I know I'm not ready yet, but it's something to work towards and that is a very exciting prospect.
Anyway, congratulations to Matt and Mallory! I'm excited to be a part of this new life that you two are starting together and I wish you only the best. You two deserve it.