lifestyle photography

Our Life in Instax: Mikaela Joy | El Paso Portrait Photographer

Y'all, I've been dying for one of these little cameras basically since they came out. 

These days basically everything is digital.  We record our day to day life on our phones, where we fill up SD cards with pictures we never look at.  We hire photographers for our special moments, photographers who send us USB's filled with beautiful photos- beautiful photos that we post on facebook and then toss into a drawer and never look at.  I'm tired of everything digital.

So there is a major draw for me to an instax camera.  Instead of creating a file, a instax creates an instant print of your image- a print that can be passed around and shared and displayed.  Granted, it's a tiny print the size of a business card, but it's something real.  And it's really fun to play with too!

I spent an entire day chasing little man and all the animals around with my instax camera to test it out and I had so much fun!  This little camera is definitely going to become a staple in my tools to capture my day to day life!

A Day in the Life of Riley: November 2016 | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Portrait Photographer

I may be a portrait photographer, but I have a serious love of lifestyle photography as well.  One of my favorite projects are "day in the life" photo stories.  Well little man just turned two and I was feeling a bit nostalgic so the only logical thing to do was to break out my camera. 
o without further ado, here it is- a day in the life of Riley.

Sadie Family Session | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Family Photographer

I've got an extra special session to share today.  This was a session I did while on vacation in Washington State this summer.  Not only did I get to see her for the first time in over a year, but I got to meet her adorable little man and capture some beautiful memories for them!

We found a gorgeous location- Ft. Stielacoom and arrived just in time for some beautiful sunset shots.  Little man was more in the mood for bed than a photoshoot, so he and Sadie just played and had fun while I captured the moments.  I love how they turned out!

If you'd like to book your own family session, please contact me to set up your complimentary consultation today!

Selan Family Session | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Lifestyle Photographer

One thing that I find to be the most fun about working with children is watching them grow up.  I worked with this little girl last at Halloween when she came into my studio for a mini session.  She was in that perfect "sitter" stage for photography where she couldn't really do much but pose.  Not so much this time!  She is all grown up and running all over the place.

With this family it seemed fitting to make this a fun, laid back session.  We ran around Forsyth Park, picking flowers, watching the fountain, playing at the playground, and chasing the beautiful morning light. We had a blast and got some pictures that I feel really capture each of their unique personalities.  Watch the video to see for yourself!

If you are interested in your own family portrait session, please contact me to schedule your complimentary consultation today!

The Little Moments & Getting in the Picture | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Lifestyle Photographer

Baking With BabyThere are constantly moments where I think "God I wish I had my camera."  I see things every day that I frame into a photo in my head but never take the shot for various reasons (no camera with me, no patience for my photography shenanigans from the people I'm with).  Usually these are passing moments with strangers that I won't ever think about again, but often they are moments in my own life- moments that I would have loved to have captured and printed. DSC_0636Being a photographer means that the lives of the people closest to me are very well documented.  I have taken several pictures of my son for every day of his life.  I do photo shoots with him every month.  I take pictures of any friends that will let me and bring my camera to most events I attend.  But I'm hardly ever in the picture.

I think a lot of moms can relate to this.

It's so easy to get caught up in capturing every moment of your kids lives.  But what about one's own progress during this time?  Being a mom completely changes a person.  When I look at photos of myself before and after having my son, I see an entirely different person.  My body has changed, my outlook has changed, everything about my life is a little bit different.

DSC_1058 copyObviously, I believe in the importance of photography.  I want my son to look back at old pictures of us with amazement- at both the changes in himself and in me.  I want him to see the way I smiled at him as he "helped" me cook, the proud look on his face as he takes his first steps.

This is why I place my focus in lifestyle photography.  When I look back at posed pictures from my childhood I laugh at the way we all looked and the clothes we all wore, but it doesn't represent my life to me.  The pictures that resonate are the ones in a baby carrier strapped to my father as he gives commands to the family dog, or the photo of my brother and I playing together, me standing in his work boots.

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As I capture these moments for others, I've been making a point to be sure they are taken in my own life as well. Whether it's through the art of self portraiture (and some  plain old lselfies, too) or by handing off my camera on occasion, I want to be sure that these memories are saved.  They are too important to miss.

Promises and Pistols | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Lifestyle Photographer

Promises and Pistols On Sept 29th, my brother in law and his fiance got married and they chose me as their photographer.  When they first asked, I said no.  I didn't think I was ready for an event as big as a wedding, and looking back at the pictures I took on the day they asked, I was right.  I still wouldn't agree to anyone else's wedding just yet, but they are family and they insisted, so of course I said I'd do it.

Just because I said I'd do it doesn't mean I was confident though. For the days leading up to the ceremony I was pretty stressed- probably more so than my own wedding! I spent way too much time worrying about what I was going to do and how I was going to do it, but when it came down to it, everything seemed to fall into place and I think I pulled it off.

getting ready

The ceremony was small and beautiful.  I helped the bride, Mallory get ready and took a few pictures and then rode in with her dad to the park where the ceremony took place.  The boys set up the arch and decorated the dock with bows, and (thank god for my husband) did a wonderful job putting everything in the best possible location in terms of lighting.   The ceremony was conducted by Robert, the groom's brother who is also my husband. A group of close family and friends gathered on the dock to watch Matt and Mallory looking so happy together (Look at Matt's face when first seeing his bride!)Image


ImageAfter the ceremony we made our way around the park for portraits.  We had a slight setback when Mallory (who is pregnant) got sick after I suggested Matt pick her up and spin her around (my bad), but it turned out all she needed was a cheeseburger.  After that we were good to go.  At this point the stress had melted away and we were all relaxed enough to just really have fun with the pictures.  We even got some photos of Matt and Mallory with some kick-ass guns on the railroad tracks.  We were told to leave halfway through, but it doesn't matter.  I got the shot.

Afterwards we went to the reception at a friend's house for a delicious low-country boil followed by champagne and cake.  I think the highlight of the whole thing was during the cake cutting when Mallory forgot to put the knife down before smearing cake in Matt's face, and accidentally stabbed him.  What a great start to a marriage!  This wedding was unique, quirky, and so much fun, just like the bride and groom.


It really meant a lot to me that Matt and Mallory trusted me to capture this life-changing event of theirs, even when I didn't fully trust myself to do so.  It'll be so great to see this photos in big print on their walls and I hope that it will help them to savor this wonderful moment in their lives.

As for me, the experience has made me realize how much I would love to do weddings as a job in the future.  I know I'm not ready yet, but it's something to work towards and that is a very exciting prospect.

Anyway, congratulations to Matt and Mallory!  I'm excited to be a part of this new life that you two are starting together and I wish you only the best.  You two deserve it.
