I may be in the minority here, but I really love facebook's memories feature. Every morning I look back on what I was doing on this day going back 7 years. Sometimes I wonder what was going through my head, sometimes I laugh at how young I was, and sometimes I am able to see patterns in my life.
For instance, for the past 7 years on this day, I was doing something related to art (except 4 years ago, there's no record of that one).
- 7 years ago I was making a prom dress
- 6 years ago I was a DJ on my college radio show
- 5 years ago I was working on creative writing homework
- 3 years ago I bought my first DSLR camera
- 2 years ago was my first shoot with a model
I loved seeing the old photos. When I first picked up my Nikon D3100 I had no idea what I was doing. I had done some online research about the exposure triangle, but with nothing other than a point and shoot to practice on, I didn't have any idea what I was doing. I was just playing with it to figure it out.
The first thing I did after buying my camera was take a walk around a nearby lake with my family and my dog. Since it's still nearby, I decided to do the same today. Check out the difference!