Let it Snow! | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Family Photographer
I love the holidays. I love the sweet scent of hot spiced tea wafting through the house (speaking of which, I'm very overdue to make a batch) and the Christmas tree lights adding a bit of sparkle to the room. A Frank Sinatra holiday radio station is on constantly while I'm home and, whatever I'm doing, I'm probably also singing along. Like I said, I love the holidays.
But my holiday season is feeling a bit lackluster this year. First off is my usual problem- I live in the South and it's like 75 degrees out. There are no signs of a White Christmas here. Secondly, we aren't staying home for the holidays, which means I don't have a Christmas tree up and haven't made any of my usual traditional holiday foods (or hot spiced tea). So I'm having a really hard time not feeling like it's just another day in June.
Luckily, with the help of one cooperative baby (that's a surprise) and a bit of Photoshop, I was able to create a little winter wonderland. If Riley and I can't go play in the snow, we are certainly going to pretend, dangit!
I'm counting down that days till Monday when we can start our vacation and play in the REAL snow, but until then-