Monday Photo Dump: Week 12 | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Lifestyle Photographer
This week has been a bit different than usual for me. It's been all about me time. My hubby has been in the field since Wednesday which means that my week can be summed up in just a few words- dogs, cats, bubble baths, books, and wine. And work, but I try to ignore that part.
3-22-14- I met these two cuties at the adoption event with One Love at Tailspin on Saturday. I was soo close to taking them home. If I was a single woman, I would have a house full.
3-23-14 Just some pretty flowers because spring has sprung.
3-24-14: Over the weekend I broke my phone (it was my first time ever breaking a phone). But I was able to use it as an excuse to upgrade back to an android. It was kind of disappointing because I really like the idea of the windows 8 operating system, but it just didn't run well enough.
3-25-14: Saturday was my husband and my anniversary. We've been keeping this charm bracelet since we were dating and the idea was to add a charm every year. We were a bit behind so he ordered some to catch up. Each charm represents a year in our marriage except the first two which are for when we were dating, and our wedding.
3-26-14: This was the first day of the field for my hubby. I took this as an opportunity for my kindle, a glass of wine, and a nice long bubble bath.
3-27-14: I'm excited because the plant that I thought I had killed just sprouted some new leaves.
3-28-14: Jerry and I have been getting a lot of quality time together with the hubster away. I think he even listens when I have conversations with him (uh oh am I crazy?). This is his interested face.
So that's it for this week's photos. Next week will be jumping off with Sassy, the amazing flying dog. Curious? Check back to find out what I'm talking about.