Monday Photo Dump: Week #6 | Mikaela Joy: Savannah Lifestyle Photographer
Today we are launching the Monday photo dump since Fridays are now my afternoon at the animal shelter and I will no longer have time to edit and post my photos that day. You can find out all about that here.
I know I've made a lot of changes all of a sudden, but the format for this post is still the same and the pictures are still from the same part of the week, we are just switching up the days. With that said, here's last week's photos, the first set for the month of February.
2-1-14: Can I just say that I love food photography. We see a lot of people posting pictures of their lunch on Instagram and it's kind of a running joke that gives food photography a bad name, but food that is prepared by hand can be gorgeous and really great to take pictures of, like this colorful pork stir fry that I made for a lazy night dinner.
2-2-14: More food! My husband had the random idea to make handmade pretzels for our Superbowl party. It was actually pretty easy and very successful (I couldn't stop eating them). A recipe is coming soon.
2-3-14: Just some Jerry toes. I sure do love Jerry toes.
2-4-14: It's a pretty self explanatory shot of the penny jar. I just like the colors of the pennies,
2-5-14: What used to be a nice view of a wooded area out of my computer room window is now construction. They cleared the trees quite a while ago (which I was pretty upset about) and then just recently they started construction. My work is now accompanied by the sounds of hammers and construction equipment. This is my new view. I can't wait until they are done building.
2-6-14: X marks the spot, I guess.
2-7-14: This is one of my shots from my day at the animal shelter. I didn't use this as something to post to get this dog adopted (for obvious reasons), but I do like the moment that was captured. This dog is anything but vicious, I swear, but caught mid bark he does look kind of mean, doesn't he?
So there you have it, last week's photos. I didn't do a theme, which left me with kind of a hodgepodge of photos, but I think they captured my week pretty well. As always, if you have any theme suggestions leave them in the comments below. Otherwise, I'll see you next time!